Sweet, sweet, it tasted so sweet not bitter as everyone had thought. No one suspected that something like that could stir such desire. Now all thought was bent on desire, captivating them; they forgot their purpose. This…this was all the mind could think of; unbeknownst to them it had taken hold of first their minds and now their hearts.
Slowly a pin point of light shone before her eyes, the glow quickened her heart, stirred deep within her and reminded her of a far away thought. A thought that seemed far away but important somehow. Quietly she looked through unseeing eyes; softly she started to remember…what was it she is trying to remember? Exposed, she suddenly felt so exposed wandering through this fog filled, gloomy land, where were they? How did she forget, but forget what?
Struggling to see although her eyes were open, she strained looking before her to catch a glimpse of the source of the light. Maybe, maybe it would bring back the memory that was fighting it’s way through this consuming desire. Inside she could literally feel the war taking place in her very soul. The overwhelming sweet taste was dimly satisfying, almost quenching her thirst inching it’s way through every fiber of her being and then the reminder of the light would pierce her heart. Trembling as the internal battle raged on, she strained to see more. A sudden burst of light shot through the fog that had built up around her and the others. A gentle whisper of purpose resonated within, quietly peace found its way to seep back into her heart. The sweetness of desire fought to stay in control but the memory of a greater purpose flooded before her with a radiance as a peace like a river flowed and washed over her. Strength from the depths of her being stormed out awakening the fierce virtue of her purpose allowing her eyes now to see beyond the fog and dreariness to the light shining so brilliantly before her. Oh how had she forgotten so quickly the wonders of the peace, purpose, and strength of her soul? She cried out with authority, ‘Bitter, bitter is the desire, though sweet it may be, we have forgotten our purpose. Look, see before you the light of peace, of strength which takes us on to our destiny.’
How easy it is to get caught up in whatever distraction our lives may face, leading us away from our purpose and destiny. God’s word is living and active, sharper than a two-edged sword - piercing through the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts. Our lives are laid bare before our Maker, nothing hidden and we are accountable.
We forget these, maybe because a desire becomes as we assume more than we can handle or the pressures of life weigh and drag us down. Whatever it may be remember that God is always and forever more than enough for us. He gives us only what we can handle and grace to overcome. In Hebrews it says, we can go with confidence to God, He knows and identifies with our life, what we go through, our temptations and He enables us to overcome, to live our life with a greater purpose and a destiny we cannot even imagine!
*Read Hebrews 4