I do not want to fall away from you, Lord. I look neither to the left nor to the right. I look to You, Lord. Who can walk this path alone? Thank God gravity pulls me towards your nail scarred hands.
Do you have the faith to believe? Remember the stories of the Bible and place your faith in them…in God. In the strength the Lord gave Sampson to destroy the Philistines. As Sampson looked to heaven crying out in repentance, saying, “God grant me this one last time! Forgive me! Use me to do your final work in my life!” Sampson leaned forward; sweat pouring from his forehead as he pushed with every fiber of his God given strength, the pillars creaked and groaned collapsing into dust and rubble.
Do you believe in the faith God gave Ruth? Her very obedience to follow YHWEH into a foreign land was the action of simple faith. A widow of the accursed Moabite peoples, she followed her mother-in-law to embrace the very land and people who rejected her heritage. Ruth became a woman known throughout this new land because of her character and was woven into the bloodline of our Savior Jesus. Her destiny unfolded in God’s perfect time, best of all in God’s perfect way.
Salvation from a life of bondage was given to Rahab, a harlot. Whose very own household became the sole survivors of the city of Jericho. Do you put your faith in this freedom?
I read of how it is written, “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” The same God who promised to Abraham his very seed would outnumber the stars in the sky is the same God I put my trust in. Do you?
I remember the promises He gave to Esther, Paul, Jeremiah, and Abraham. These are the promises of salvation from destruction, promises of a calling to preach the Gospel to the ends of the world, a promise of a hope and future. I remember the stories, these words of the Bible, this love poured out in blood for me…for you.
Love’s own hand writes your future. Your very days are ordained, each moment known before one even passed. Remember the promises of the past; they are the keys to your future. It is never too late to follow in the footsteps of our Savior. Never too late to choose life, it is never too late to believe.
Psalms 139: 15 – 16 “You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”(NLT)