I get personal here for a moment? Hmmm…it’s the internet and I probably
shouldn’t. I read this quote by Matt Chandler recently:
know it seems really strange to some folks that some of us have remained single
ALLL these years. They wonder what in the world is wrong with us…or whisper in
other circles about how something is wrong with us. They may just chalk it up
to eh…she/he is just too picky and thinks too much about themselves to settle
for someone reasonable. Sometimes to be honest I wonder if something is wrong
with me too. I wonder why I’ve been single for so long. I wonder why I gave up
my 20’s to be so focused on getting one degree after another. I wonder if maybe
I missed out on something…or missed out on meeting ‘the’ someone. Well…I don’t
think so. To be perfectly honest there isn’t one day being single that I would
give up. I have learned so much, grown so much and learned to believe so much
more not just in myself but in my Christian faith. I’m glad I haven’t had to
gain my confidence by my connection to some guy and like some girls have
to have a continual string of guys because they can’t learn to live on their
own. Or enjoy just being themselves by themselves. Anyways, I know 100% that
whoever I’m ‘waiting’ for to marry (if I ever get the chance [to marry]) is
going to be imperfect just like me. He will not complete me. He will probably
at times irritate me. No matter, the daily decision to be content and enjoy my
singleness is worth the realization that although I could fall in love with
anyone. I would rather fall in love with someone who will challenge me to live
for God even more. It’s not an easy decision;
it’s a daily decision.