
Friday, December 23, 2016

For Unto Us

~A poem based on Isaiah 9~

A great light shines bright
Though still in the darkness
We see
For brilliant is the glow
Showing the way before us
To increase in our joy
As we extend His light
Rejoice for great is what we now see
Can you perceive what the light reveals?

For unto us a child is born 
Unto us a Savior to the world
For unto us a Son is given
Unto us peace now be upon the earth
Break free, we now can break free
Oppression defeated
A new grace bestowed
Our yoke now lighter
So wonderful we can now behold
A Mighty God, an Everlasting Father
For now we have a Savior for our world

Merry Christmas!! Have a blessed 2017 New Year filled with God's fulfilling and loving favor!

Monday, March 21, 2016

An Overcoming Faith

I miss my dad. As I read through his writings, Revelation 21:7 is one that my Father has typed up in bold on one page. “He that overcomes shall inherit all things, him shall I call my son, he will call me my God.” As I read further I am reminded of what my Father stood for. He was a person who knew where he came from, what he was about and where he was going. Forever, my Father is a hero in my eyes. An overcomer. My Father fiercely believed in the promises of the Word of God. He knew the life that pours out through God’s word, he knew the love that carries us all as the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. My father knew that one step of faith on his behalf would allow a lifetime of seeing God’s faithfulness in all circumstances. He knew of the life of an overcomer. By faith, he overcame and succeeded in a world that would have loved to slap a label on his life, family and circumstances and placed it all neatly into a little box. He knew by God’s grace he had overcome, he had ventured near and far across the world, studied at a doctorate level, lived life fully knowing he was going to make an impact in this world serving others. Despite coming from a small, tiny, little known island in the middle of the Indian ocean. Everyone in this world will always be just a little too self involved, too worried about our own, too consumed in our routines, too in love with our own, too comfortable that we may overlook, underestimate, or ignore what may not really intersect into our spheres. Reading through what my Father writes, I hear once again his voice, his words, his heart. He knew he could live life easily just making money for self and family. Yet, my Father knew he would gain a deeper, greater joy from serving the Lord. Doing the difficult, the less esteemed work of ministering, teaching the Bible, preaching the Good News of the Gospel of peace. I will never forget how my father would say with faithful determination and a calm peace that there was truly no greater joy than in serving the Lord.  He would say this as I knew my Dad was suffering in pain as cancer spread and metastasized through his body as he preserved in Sri Lanka.

I read chapter 21 of the book of Revelation and verse 4 & 5 states, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” There is not a day that goes past that in some way memories of my Father are present. If I dwell on it too long tears would surely spill down my cheeks and the throbbing stabbing pains in my heart would probably start up again. Grief is so strange. It lingers, it waxes and wanes, it subsides but it never ever goes away. Yet, we have this pain because we were able to have such great joy in our lives as our Father’s daughters. We had such a great Father and I am ever so grateful as I grow and live in this world where this has become such a rarity. The most precious inheritance my Father left us with was our faith. Our Dad and Mom taught us to pray, to read the Bible, the value our faith, our hope, our belief in a saving grace. This faith in the unfailing love of Jesus, our hope in the saving grace of our Lord has been at the very center of our lives ever since. This is why I read verse 4 and 5 of Rev 21 and it gives me peace, hope and joy. Knowing that one day there will be no more tears, no more pain. Reading further in the New International Version translation it states, ‘to the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life’. At the center point of my Father’s life was his thirst for the Lord, to serve the Lord, to know the Lord more and to share the love of the Lord with others. This faith in Jesus is for those willing to put aside ourselves, for those who let our souls thirst after a living God (Psalms 42:1-2) and those who hold fast to our faith. Faith in a God who is loving, faith in a grace that saves us. ‘Those that are victorious, those who overcome shall inherit all things, and I will be their God and they will be my children’(Rev 21:7).