
Saturday, April 15, 2017

Because He Lives

The fact that someone would die for you is sometimes a hard thing to process. The fact that someone who is God and man would not only die for you but rise again makes it even harder to believe. Isn't it unbelievable that someone would be crucified for you, bear such shame, be beaten, whipped and mocked just for you? Isn't it amazing that someone could say because I died and rose again your sins are forgiven, your burdens are mine, your sickness and diseases, your shame, your guilt is gone. Is it hard to believe that someone would say I love you, I did all this for you and all you have to do is simply believe. Amazing isn't it, just believe. Jesus came so you can have life and life more abundantly. It's not an easy life but one that despite life's difficulties we find hope, we find joy, we find peace through Jesus. It is hard to believe that this can be true. Yet, my life will never be the same because I believe and I'm sure yours won't be either.